What Is Traffic Light System: Traffic light system is the most effective inspection tool to reduce defect generation at source. This is a random inspection system. Traffic light system is more effective in controlling shop floor quality than other quality tools because of its visual communication. At the same time it measure operator’s performance level in quality. No operators like to be presented themselves as lower quality makers. They concentrate on quality aspect during stitching garments.
Inline checking system will alert operators in concentrating their job. If less number of defective seam is made, less the time will be lost in repairing it. It also helps in other way. May be at the start of the style an operator do not understand the specification, an interaction with quality inspector will make an operator clear about the quality requirement. Traffic Light System is designed to flag the problem at source and allow immediate corrective action rather than all potentially defective product to continue to be manufactured.

How It Works: Traffic Light System is a visual control for highlighting quality issues in sewing line. Traffic light quality system works in a similar fashion the transportation traffic light system works. Three different colour cards are placed in each operators place. Green indicates that Quality meets the customers Standard. Yellow indicates that a minor fault has been found and caution is required. Red indicates that the Quality Standard does not meet the customer’s standard requirement.

One Quality Inspector is to be allocated for every line of particular style or cover 15 or 20 Workstations. She/he has to check the semi finished garment pieces from current bundle once in an hour or two. Pieces will be taken randomly and check all the quality parameters required for that operation. 

In traffic light system one Inline Quality inspector check 7 pieces of goods of a process. Then, quality of that process identified by following ways:
  • The red card is given for those, who are identified by the line supervisor have produced 5 or more defective item out of 7 pieces inspected.
  • The yellow card is given to those who are identified by the line supervisor have produced 2 or more defective items out of 7 inspected.
  • The green card is given if no reworks are found. This can motivate the worker to produce good quality products.
It is also an indication of how and which operator is going wrong to the production in charge and quality supervisor. They can monitor from any corner of the floor easily. 

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