Auto Spreader Machine

Automatic fabric spreading means the smooth laying out of various types of fabric according to specific length. Fabric Spreading Machine is one type of machine by which the smooth laying out of various types of fabric according to specific length automatically instead of pulled by workers. The objective of spreading is to place a number of plies of fabric that the production planning process has dictated, to the length of the marker plan, in the colors required, correctly aligned to length and width, and without tension. Although in certain sections, it remains necessary to cut single garments, in most of the cases rejects is the cause of single piece cutting.
Now a days many its time to automation. In many factory use automatic system in different department. Here a list is shown below of some Automatic spreading machine supplier which are used in cutting section of a garments industry.
  1. Lectra 
  2. Gerber  
  3. Eastman
  4. Bullmar 
  5. Richpeace
  6. Morgan Tecnica
  7. Ozbilim
  8. YIN
  9. Cosmotex
  10. Oshima automatic spreading machines
  11. FK Group
  12. TukaSpreader IMA Fabric spreaders
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