Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, installation, improvement, evaluation, and control of socio-technical systems in virtually all sectors, including manufacturing, distribution, government, energy, health care, and finance. A distinguishing feature of the industrial engineering discipline is the integration of humans, machines, materials, and information to optimize the performance of such systems using available resources in the most efficient way, but without degrading social and physical environments. Industrial engineering training should provide future practitioners with the set of competencies that are required to create and maintain flexible organizations, which in turn are able to adapt continuously to the dynamic environment

The Prime Objective of Industrial Engineering is: 
  1. To increase the productivity. 
  2. Eliminating waste and non-value added activities. 
  3. Improving the effective utilization of resources.
How We can Achieved of IE Objectives in Apparel Production:

Industrial way of garment production needs a thorough preparation of production because in the same time, it is necessary to combine a few factors: people, time, machines and place of production, organization and material in a coordinated and rational system. Technological system of garment production must enable expected quality of product, necessary scope of production, delivery of ready-made garments in the expected time, maximum use of capacity with minimum expenses. An Industrial Engineer can perform several activities to fulfill their task, Processes and Procedures of manufacturing or service activities can be examined through Process Analysis. Industrial engineers can use Work Study comprehending Method Study and Time Study. The mentioned activities are also called operations Management. Furthermore can Industrial Engineering involve inventory management to make a manufacturing process more feasible and efficient? Industrial Engineers used to increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness of operations by the products strategies like High-volume production, long-runs and minimal variations.

Process Flow Chart of Industrial Engineering (IE): 

Negotiation with garments merchandiser

Garments analysis

Make P.P meeting

Production target

Set machine layout

Line setting

Line balancing

Continuous production meeting

Collecting production data

Preparing production report

Production report analysis

Report submit to factory manager

Some Terms Related to IE: 
Capacity Study: It is exactly the measure of the operator same as capability. It means the operator is capable of achieving the performance measured by the study. The major Need for capacity study is to set Quotas, to motivate operator, and to measure the productions section capacity. By measuring the individual operator capacities, supervisor can determine the overall capacity of their section. It is simply the sum of individual capacity.

  • Use of stop watch
  • Measure the time study
  • Average the time cycle
Benefits of Capacity Study:
  • Check targets
  • Motivate operators
  • Measure section production capability
Method study: Method study is the process of systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed way of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods. It is applied to reduce costs. For higher productivity in textile and apparel industry method study is very important. It is one of the keys to achieving productivity improvement. Functions of method study in textile and garment industry are done by industrial engineering department.

Time study, Motion study: Systematic observation, analysis, and measurement of the separate steps in the performance of a specific job for the purpose of establishing a standard time for each performance, improving procedures, and increasing productivity — called also motion and time study, motion study, time study.

Bottleneck in line/group:
  1. Operators selection wrong
  2. Task selection wrong
  3. Task allocation wrong
  4. Wrong works flow/sequence of works
  5. Wrong measurement of task
  6. Works negligence by operator
  7. Operators absenteeism
  8. Machine disturbs / problem
  9. Lack of supply
  10. Non-serial supply from operators
  11. Color shading Quality problem
  12. Sickness of related operator
How to reduce bottleneck:
  1. Arranging pre-production meeting in time
  2. Production costing
  3. Layout making before input in line
  4. Submitting the layout sheet to maintenance department in time
  5. Checking the fabrics & accessories before issue in the line  
  6. Checking the pattern before issue in line
  7. Select right operator for right task
  8. Allocation the task as per standard produced value equally
  9. Reducing excess task from overloaded operator / find capacity where else
  10. Reducing ineffective time / task by production study
  11. Setting up good method instead of bad method by method analyzing
  12. Maintain sequence of task accordingly
  13. Keeping the supply available in time
  14. Should not forward the reject products
  15. Supply should be forwarded after checking 
  16. Should not be forwarded inconsistency process Should not be forwarded quality fault product 
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