What is Sewing Layout?

The sewing line layout is very important term in sewing. No item is sewn without sewing layout or planning. It can be defined as the system where sewing operations are done with step by step/process by process which make a sewing line for an individual item.  This layout can be changed or redesigned based on the types of item are sewn. The purpose of choosing one line layout over other is to achieve best production with existing resources.

Types of Sewing Layout: Some Common Sewing Layout are showing below:

Line with center table and operators facing in same direction:

Line with center table and operators facing in same direction (Figure-1):

In this system or layout all operators sit on workstation facing same direction a table is placed in between two rows of sewing machines in line. Operators pick bundles from center table and after stitching dispose bundles on the center tables. 
2. Line with center table and operators facing opposite direction (Figure -2)

Machine layout is same as above one. Difference is on operators’ sitting position. Operators sit on the machine keeping center table left side. This layout is more convenient to all operators for picking up work from left side.

Figure-2. Straight line operator facing opposite direction
Image source: Stitch World via Facebook

3. Straight line without center table and one raw of machines
In this layout no center table is used for material handling. Instead cutting and finished garments are kept of hangers, on baskets or on trolleys. See the different form of layout where machines are placed in a straight line but no center table is used.

(a) Overhead material movement (Fig-3): Garment components are placed clipped on hanger. and transported on a rail.

Fig. 3: Straight line layout with overhead material transportation
Image courtesy: Sahu Exports

(b) Trolley for material transportation (Fig-4): In this layout instead of center table trolleys are used for material transportation.
Fig-4: Straight line layout with trolleys

 (c) Line having individual disposal basket (Fig-5): Instead of centre table individual disposal baskets are provided to operators. 
Fig-5: Straight line layout with individual disposal basket
Image source: Stitch World via Facebook 

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