What is PPE?
Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer’s body from injury or infection. Clothing or equipment used by doctors, assistants, nurses, or cleaners for the protection of infectious disease cases is called Personal Protective Equipment or PPE for short. [OSHA]. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has given its policy on when and how to use PPE. According to the ECDC for Corona COVID-19 (Suspect / Confirmed) , in a set of PPE, FFP3 / FFP2 Face Mask for Respiratory Protection, Goggles / Face Shield for Eye Protection, Long Sleeved Water Resistant Gown for Body Protection and there will be hand gloves for hand protection.

How look a long sleeve water resistant gown or apron?
Basically aprons or gowns are used for body or skin protection. If not used in the operation room, the COVID-19's gown should only be clean, but not need sterile. If a water resistant gown is not available, a single-use plastic apron will be worn over a non-water resistant gown. It’s enough for protection.

How gown made?
The gown is usually made by non-woven fabric. It is Spunbond-Meltblown-Spunbond (SMS), which is made up of three-layer non-woven fabrics and usually polypropylene (PP) fibers. PP is used for its water resistant properties and it is low prices. It is used for once so cheaper PP is used higher, but PP is not biodegradable.
What is non-woven fabric? 
It is made from short staple / filament, not knit / oven fabrics. Fiber web is usually bonded through chemical, mechanical, heat or solvent treatment to form sheets (much like paper is made). In our country, usually non-oven sheets are bought from overseas (China / India) and various non-oven products are made from that sheet in the country. These sheets are usually made by Spunbond or Melt blown.  The blue mask we use nowadays, the shopping bag we use is made from non-oven products and sheets made by Spunbond / Meltblown. 

Test needed to ensure best quality:
       Tensile Strength: ASTM D5034, ASTM 1682
       Tear Resistance: ASTM D5587
       Seam Strength: ASTM D751
       Water Vapor Transmission (Breathability): ASTM D6701

How PPE Used?
Since the coronavirus attack, we have been newly introduced to Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). The entire set of PPEs (gloves, gowns, masks, goggles, etc.) should be worn only if go touch with a coronary patient or those with disease symptoms. After use it should be thrown into the special disposable bin. Each set PPE is for use once. If visiting a patient twice, then two sets of PPE should be used. Medical PPE should not use for go to the office. Uses should maintain restriction. PPE made of ordinary garment cloth is also not suitable PPE. Training is also required for using any part of PPE. Without knowing it, the use of PPE brings danger. A lot of videos are in YouTube available how use PPE.

     1. Md. Bashar Uddin, Lecturer, Yarn Manufacturing Technology, Butex
     2. Textile lab  (Wabsite: https://textilelab.blogspot.com/)
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