Spreading, Cutting

Spreading is a pre-cutting process. The main objectives of the spreading process is to lay the several fabric plies essential for the production process to the marker length without any tension on the fabric. The lay height depends on order size, cutting ratio, fabric characteristic, capacity of the spreader, cutting method and equipment used. The preference of mode of spreading will influence the cost of spreading as well as finished garment quality. The composition of each spread, i.e. the number of plies of each colour is obtained from the cut order plan.
Number of plies depends on:
  • Capacity of the cutting machine,
  • Volume of production,
  • Type of fabric itself (rough or slippery) and
  • Thickness of fabric.
The process of fabric spreading is done after marker making. Then according to marker fabric are being cut via automatic cutting machine or manual hand cutter.

Figure:  Spreading

Types of Fabric Spreads: The spreads can be categorized into two basic types, namely, flat spread and stepped spread.They are:
  1. Flat spreads (scrambled spread): It is the economical method of spreading where a single section maker comprises patterns in the ratio that the style is ordered. Fabric is normally spread in multiples of the ratio of the marker. In this type of spread, all plies are of the same length 
  2. Stepped spreads (section spreads): In this method, the spread is normally built like small steps, with all the fabric plies in a step having the same length. It is commonly used when the order needs to cut the imbalance between the quantities to be cut, which prevents the use of the flat spread. In most circumstances, the marker section with the need for the greatest number of plies is situated closest to the left of the spread. Then each section in the order of decreasing numbers of plies is located after the first going down the table. 
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