Sewing section is the most important department of a garment manufacturing industry. Different types Sewing machines  are arranged as a vertical line to assemble the garments. After receive the garments components from cutting section, all the garments parts are joined and sewn as sequentially. Obviously all the components are sewn respects on buyer requirement.
Factors Influence for Garments Production:
The main five factors affect the estimation of garments production are given below-
       - Standard minute value (SMV) 
       - Number of operators working in a line,
       - Production line running time in a day,
       - Average line efficiency,
       - Total break time
      Details are given below:
      Standard minute value (SMV): It means
         - Meaning of the Abbreviation- Standard Minute Value
         - It should be expressed always in Minutes
         - Time taken by a standard operator to complete any given operation/s with pre-defined condition. 
      Number of operators working in a line: It means How many worker are working in a sewing line. Normally, 15 op and 5 hp used for production of a basic t-shirt.

      Production line running time in a day: It means How much time work run for production of a product. worker are working in a sewing line. Normally, 8 or 10 hrs work in a day.

      Average line efficiency: It means how much efficient to produce of product, how much achieve production target of a line. Most of the factory of garments unit calculate 60-70% efficiency in Bangladesh.

      Total break time: Break time means how much times worker or staff spend without production. Lunch time, refresh time etc are included here.
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