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Sometime Job Interview is done over skype/email. Here how you do it successfully it is shown. Hope it will help you.

HOW and WHEN Should you?

“Thank you” email within 68 hours of the actual interview.

“Follow up” Email 10 BUSINESS days after the interview

How to Write:

1.    Dear (Interviewer), Thank you very much for taking the Time to talk with me today. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and lam very interested in the role (Insert 3 lines reminding them about something positive in the interview OR something that you wish you had mentioned). I believe I am a good candidate for this role because (insert 3 reas,ons) I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience'

2.      (Subject line) Your name. Date/time Interview.

Dear (Interviewer),

I enjoyed speaking with you on (interview date) and am shit very interested in the role on (job title). I was wondering, therefore, whether you have any feedback for me at this time, please.

It is also ESSENTIAL to keep searching for other jobs as soon as the interview is over.

Don't lose valuable time waiting for a call back that may never happen.

Courtesy: Kristy Bonner, Career Consultant


ফেক্টরির নতুন কিছু টাইপের লোক আছে এরা নিয়োগ হবার পর এরা ফ্লোরে এসে ফ্লোর গরম করে ফেলেন এদের নিয়োগের সময় এরা হেড অফিসের মাধ্যমে আসেন যার ফলে তারা সুপ্রিম পাওয়ারের অধীকারি ভাবেন ।

এরা রেগুলার প্রসেসের বাইরে নতুন নতুন নিয়ম চালু করেন ।  এতে ফ্লোরের সবাই তাকে ভালো করে নেয় না ।

ফ্লোরে কিছু মালিকের  স্পাই থাকে, আগের  ম্যানেজার জিএম এর কিছু  শীর্ষ থাকেন , কিছু কাজ যারা সিনিয়র থাকেন ,   টপ ম্যানেজমেন্ট এর লোকজন  যখন চলে যায় এই পদের প্রত্যাসী কিছু  লোকজন থাকেন ফ্লোরে ।  তাদের যদি আপনি গ্রুপিংয়ে পড়ে যান তবে আপনি সারভাইভ করতে পারবেন না ৷ 
এরা মালিকের কাছে আপনার রেপুটেশন খারাপ বানানোর চেয়ে যথেষ্ট ।

একটা উদাহরন দেয়া যেতে পারে যে ঘুড়ি প্রথমে ছেড়ে দেয়া হয় তাকে ঊড়তে দেয়া হয় পরে তাকে টেনে নামানো হয় ৷  টেক্সটাইল মালিকরা অনেকটা তেমনি আপনাকে শুরুতে অনেক উঁচুতে তুলবে পরে ফেলে দেবে । কিন্ত যারা আপনার কলিগ তারা কিনতু আপনার বিশ্বস্ত হলে আপনার ক্ষতি করবে না ।

নতুন অবস্থা যতোটা পারবেন নতুন কিছু যা ফ্লোরে হয়নি তা চাপিয়ে দিতে এতে আপনার সমালোচনা বাড়বে।  মালিক লোক হুট করে সেটাপ চেইঞ্জ করে দিবে না আপনার এদের নিয়ে কাজ করতে হবে ।  আপনার শুরুতে কোয়ালিটি নিয়ে কাজ করা উচিৎ আর রানিং কাজ গুলি দেখা উচিৎ । যে যেভাবে চলছে তাদের কিছুদিন চলতে দিন ।

Courtesy: Facebook

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Questions 1. What is Needle?
Answer: Needle is an important factor in sewing.

Question 2. What kind of Needle?
Answer: There are two types. They are- a. Hand Needle, b. Needle the machine. 

Question 3. What's the tip?
Answer: Needle tip is the smooth end of the Needle Point.

Question 4. What kind of needle is used for embroidery?
Answer: There are three types. 

Question 5. How many kinds and what are the Needle points?
Answer: There are two types. They are- a. Cloth Point, b. Cutting point. 

Question 6. What is Cloth Point Needle?
Answer: The point where the needle is used to sew the cloth is called Cloth Point Needle.

Question 7. What is the Cutting Point Needle?
Answer: Usually the point needle used for stitching sheet material - leather, plastic etc. is called cutting point needle

Question 8. How many kinds of ball point needles?
Answer: There are three types. 

Question 9. What kind of Needle is commonly used in knitting fabrics?
Answer: The set point is Needle. 

Question 10. What type of set point?
Answer: There are three types. Namely: a. Slim set point, b. Medium set point, c. Heavy set point.

Question 11. What does needle size?
Answer: Based on the diameter of the space between the blades of the Needle, the numbering of the Needle, which indicates the thickness of the Needle, is called Needle Size. 

Question 12. What is the function of Needle Point?
A: The function of the Needle Point is to penetrate the cloth without causing any damage to the cloth.

Question 13. Who is Embroidered Needle?
Answer: The kind of needle used to create various designs on the cloth is called embroidered needle

Question 14. If the diameter of the space between the blades of a Needle is 1.2 cm, what is the size of that Needle?
Answer: 120Nm.

Question 15. What is a sewing machine?
Answer: The machine with which to sew clothes or clothing is called sewing machine.

Question 16. What is the function of the press bar?
Answer: Pressure bar is used to lift the presser foot up and down.

Question 17. What is the function of the presser foot of the sewing machine?
Answer: Flexible grip on the feed dog during sewing. 

Question 18. What does Pressure Foot look like?
Answer: It looks a lot like a hose. It is divided in two, so that there is some gap between it. 

Question 19. What is Needle Eye?
Answer: The hole that Needle has on his head to teach the yarn is called Needle Eye.

Question 20. What kind of sewing machine and what is it?
Answer: The stitching machine is mainly of two types.   They are- a. Manually operated sewing machine, b. Electrically operated sewing machine. 

Question 21. What is Industrial Sewing Machine?
A: The sewing machines used in the garment industry are called industrial sewing machines

Question 22. What is the sewing machine's feed mechanism?
Answer: a. Pressure feet, b. Throat Plate & c. Feed Dog. 

Question 23. What is the pitch of the feed dog's teeth for lightweight cloth?
Answer:  0.5 - 1.25 mm. 

Question 24. What is the pitch of the feed dog's teeth for light to medium cloth?
Answer: 1.5 mm - 1.5 mm. 

Question 25. What is the pitch of the feed dog's teeth for coarse cloth?
Answer: 2.5 mm. 

Question 26. What is Sim Pucker?
Answer: When the cloth is crushed along the line, it is called seam pucker. 

Question 27. Which part controls the speed of the feed dog?
Answer: The speed of the feed dog is controlled by the stitch regulator lever. 

Question 28. What is Stitch?
Answer: Each of the smallest units in a stitch is called a stitch.

Question 29. What is the SPM of a sewing machine?
Answer: The speed of the sewing machine like the number of stitches generated per minute is called SPM.

Question 30. What are the problems of sewing?
Answer: There are three types of problems that can arise in the case of knitting.

Method Study: Method study is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing work as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and reducing cost. It is a systematic recording and critical examination of ways of doing things in order to make improvement. (In a sort letter “ to reduce the cost, which examination/system are going to set up to developing and applying easier and more effective methods”.)

Objectives of method study: -
  • Improve layout of factory and office.
  • Simplify tasks.
  • To improve the flow of work.
  • To get the better quality.
  • Effective materials handling.
  • To improve the proper utilization of resources.
  • To get maximum output.
  • Waste reduction.
Critical examination is required for method improvement:
For method improvement the way the job is performed has to be examining critically & need to challenge its purpose, place, sequence & method of performance.

What is done?
Why is it done?
What else might be done?
What should be done?
Ex: Mark sleeve pleats.

Where is it done?
Why is it done there?
Where else might it be done?
Where should it be done?
Ex: Hand sew button.

When is it done?
Why is it done then?
When might it be done?
When should it be done?
Ex: B/H at sleeve placket.

Who does it?
Why does that person do it?
Who else might do it?
Who should do this?
Ex: Thread trimming.

How is it done?
Why is done that way?
How else might it be done?
How should it be done?
Ex: Cuff attaches.